Node.js Mentorship Onboarding Guide

Motivations, Procedures, and Notes for the Mentorship Program


A.J. Roberts (Initial document design and draft)

Document Status

This is currently a living document because the Mentorship Program is in Beta and evolving rapidly.

Current version:

In the future, we may switch to a revisioned document if historical content becomes important. If so, the link above will direct readers to the new document storage location.


This guide serves two main purposes:

  1. Help the MI (Mentorship Initiative) track, discuss, and evolve our Process over time
  2. Provide guidance for Mentors on how to participate in the Program

The guide is broken into multiple sections based on those purposes. If you are a Mentor, feel free to skip to section II, unless you are interested in the inner workings of the MI.

In addition to the main sections, there is also a Glossary which will define our current meaning and understanding of terms important and/or specific to this program. These terms will be capitalized when used throughout the document.

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