Section II: Mentor Guide
The mission of the Mentorship Initiative (MI) is to help other Initiatives within Node.js acquire Mentees and assist in transitioning them into long-term Members of those Initiatives. We are actively developing a process to facilitate that mission in a streamlined fashion. This section of the Onboarding Guide is meant to provide you, the Mentor, with the necessary knowledge to participate effectively and easily in that process.
Note: Please refer to the Glossary at the end of the Onboarding Guide if you see terms or abbreviations you’re not familiar with in this section.
Process Overview
Our process consists of four main phases from a Mentor’s point of view.
Phase 1: Planning
In the planning phase, the MI and Mentor work together to determine and specify the needs of the Initiative. This can include designing a test or code challenge to filter Applicants with and always ends with a Initiative Application.
Phase 2: Acquisition
During most of the acquisition phase, the Mentor is just waiting to give people time to hear about and complete the Initiative Application. Near the end of this phase, the Mentor has the opportunity to review or be involved in the selection of the Mentee.
Phase 3: Onboarding
Once the Mentee has been selected, our aim is to transition that person smoothly onto the Initiative and ensure a good fit. The MI will gather feedback, give recommendations, and potentially provide an alternative Mentee in the event the first isn’t working out.
Schedule Meeting
Reach out to Mentee for introductions and set quarterly 3 month goal
- Detail milestones along the way
- Set 1st quick win
Set time for weekly check in
Weekly Check-in
Monitor progress towards goal
- Answer questions
- Ask how previous or ongoing task is going
- Answer any questions
- Set new tasks for things to work on
Phase 4: Acceptance
Once the Initiative is satisfied with the selected Mentee and the Mentee is accepted as a Member of the Initiative, communication between the MI and the Initiative ends until feedback phase.
Phase 5: Feedback
MI will reach out to Mentor in five weeks after the acceptance phase to get feedback on Mentee's performance and goal achievment.